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04 Jul 2023

Minimising Your Impact on the Water: 7 Tips for Eco-Friendly Boating

Minimising Your Impact on the Water: 7 Tips for Eco-Friendly Boating

We believe that it's the responsibility of each and every one of us to ensure the well-being of the waters we treasure. That's why we're committed to providing our amazing community with valuable insights, volunteer opportunities, and the tools to become environmentally conscious boaters. 

Join us on this journey as we strive to make a positive impact on our marine environment...

Being kind to the environment doesn't require much effort, and we can extend our eco-friendly practices from home to our time spent on board. Here are some ideas to help you minimise your impact when you're out on the water:

  1. Use environmentally-friendly products: Whenever possible, opt for environmentally-friendly cleaning products such as washing-up liquid, toilet cleaners, and surface cleaners. We can provide these products upon request, ensuring a safer and greener boating experience. 

  2. Utilise shore facilities: Whenever feasible, make use of shore facilities like showers and toilets instead of relying solely on your boat's facilities. This helps reduce water consumption and promotes efficient resource usage.

  3. Properly manage waste: When at anchor, make use of holding tanks for waste storage, then empty and flush them when offshore or via pump-out facilities. This responsible waste management helps prevent pollution and ensures the preservation of marine ecosystems.

  4. Choose reusable containers: Bring along reusable containers, such as Tupperware, for storing food items like sandwiches, crisps, chocolates, and biscuits. This is a more sustainable alternative to single-use cling-film and reduces the likelihood of waste flying overboard.

  5. Avoid throwing waste overboard: Dispose of all waste properly and refrain from throwing any items, overboard, even if they are unwanted food. These items can take a long time to degrade and can negatively impact marine life.

  6. Minimise packaging: Remove as much packaging as possible before setting sail. For instance, remove cardboard packaging from tins, cereals, and yoghurts, and plastic wrapping from drink cans and fruits. This reduces the amount of waste generated on board and helps keep the marine environment clean.

  7. Separate recyclables: Besides having a designated bag for "binable" rubbish, also have separate bags for glass, cardboard, metal, and plastic recyclables. Most marinas provide recycling facilities, making it easier to dispose of recyclable materials responsibly.

By adopting these simple practices, we can ensure that our boating experiences align with our commitment to environmental conservation. Let's work together to protect and preserve the marine environment for future generations.

Safe sailing and eco-friendly boating!

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